Thursday, December 4, 2008

general stupidity that bothers me a bit

ok. so i try to be a people person. i really do. i can start a conversation, keep it going, sometimes add insight to conversations and really try to be nice to people (but really only am to the ones that mean something to me and have left a staple in my life) but there are things that people do in general that just bugs the shit out of me.

1. initiating small talk in awkward places. - ok for real. if i'm standing at a urinal with my dick in my hand, i really do not care about the weather, the financial crisis, sports or any other topic that flies of out your mouth. the only thing i'm currently concentrating on is peeing accurately so the stream that hits the back porcelain doesnt bounce up, spray my pants and makes it look like i didnt make it to the bathroom at all. if i am in an elevator, i'm trying to get to where i'm going. i'm either looking down at the floor or staring at how painfully slow the elevator is going. i dont want to hear it or you.

2. elevators - ok. this is just common knowledge. when you get into an elevator, if the floor you are seeking to get off at is ALREADY LIT... you do not need to press it 13 more times. it wont close the door and get your bitch ass there any faster. if you WANT the doors to close instead of waiting, there is this magic button that looks like this... " >|<" - that means ELEVATOR DOORS CLOSE. try pressing that instead of your floor button and getting frustrated and grumbling. i dont want to hear it or you.

3. people who get way too drunk and become destructive - alright. lets break this down right now. why is there a need to get so fucking wasted, that you start destroying personal/private property? i will be the first to admit, i do get drunk quite a bit (more often than my liver likes), but do i turn into a douchebag? no. as soon as i hit my limit, i know it for sure, sit there quiet as hell begging for water. there isnt a need for your stupid ass to make a scene, fight with your girlfriend/boyfriend in public, throw chairs, break windows or anything else for that matter. if you want to act like that, offer yourself to your local zoo because you belong in a fucking cage.

4. people who cant not dress themselves worth shit - now this is a topic that i am dead correct on because i have worked in the highest fashion industry in the world. why on EARTH do people put themselves through torment by others because of something they think is stylish? you look ridiculous and very uncomfortable. let me discuss the main points that drive me absolutely insane. sagging your pants so much that you have to waddle when you walk to keep them up, and youre STILL wearing a belt - ok come on. lets figure this out. pull your fucking pants up because no one wants to see your fruit of the loom boxers with the most HORRID print that they could find. how about you get the appropriate measurements (33Wx32L), get a nice leather belt (black or brown. no stupid colors or anything like that) and you'll look SO much better, and not develop bow-legs or scoliosis later on in life. girls who wear UGG boots - how much do i hate these? not only are they just downright hideous, but WHY?! also... is it really THAT COLD in the summer to be wearing a tank top, mini-skirt with leggings and your UGG boots? honestly though. go shoot yourself. people who wear clothes that do not fit - the muffin top. need i say more? i'm happy with keeping my lunch/dinner down. if i wanted to be bulemic, i'd get "bulemia - twice the taste, none the calories" tattooed on my body. please, go one size up. it makes the world a better place. wearing crazy eccentric colors - alright. we are not back in 1986 with your body glove shit. it's 2008. lets stick with some nice neutral colors. i dont want to see you crossing the street in your old navy hyper-orange fleece, freak out, swerve and kill myself because i thought you were a construction barrel.

5. fags - there are classifications. gay male and fag. i myself am a gay male. what i cant stand is fags. #1 - you have a dick between your legs. why is your voice so high and nasaly and more girlier than actual WOMEN in the world? #2 - hand gestures. there is a reason that there is the common joke about "limp wristed"... you give it to the entire gay population. stop with the hand movements and flicking the wrists like you have a magic wand or some shit like that. #3 - referencing back to #4 - wear clothes that fit, and at that, wear clothes that you dont find in the womens sale rack at Marshalls. stop wearing clothes too tight, you're a scrawny twink with as much muscle mass as a caterpillar.

6. lack of knowledge on anything besides mainstream media - now, i will be the first to admit to you that i do not retain all information that i come across. i do watch CNN, read the newspaper, read literature and understand how the world works. am i a genius with it all? not in the least. but i atleast know what is happening in the world today. but for some people, when the only thing they live, know and retain is shit from perez hilton, the oc, or reality tv, it's quite quite sad. broaden your mind people. learn what is going on at this place called earth. once again, i'm no expert at knowing/remembering everything that i come across. but i do make the attempt, i do follow it, and take what i have learned and grow from it.

and yeah... now that i have offended a majority of the world. i think this should end. yes, this post may be mean. i know and am aware of that. but, at least i didnt target a specific group. i gave general overviews. take it or leave it. this is me not thinking before speaking.


Talk With No Thought said...

"with as much muscle mass as a caterpillar."

I love buffed out caterpillar's. Hot.

Amy said...

I agree with pretty much everything you said so I must be mean too! haha